
  • [公開日]2016.10.01
  • [最終更新日]2016.10.01




2016年7月29日に更新されているNCI:National Cancer Institute(米国国立がん研究所)のウェブサイトの乳房自己検診(Breast Self-Examination)のページには以下のように記載されています。

Breast self-examination (BSE) has been compared with usual care (no screening activity) and has not been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality.
Based on solid evidence, formal instruction and encouragement to perform BSE leads to more breast biopsies and diagnosis of more benign breast lesions.

えっ?って思ってACS:American Cancer Society(米国対がん協会)を見てみました。

Clinical breast exam and breast self-exam
Research does not show a clear benefit of physical breast exams done by either a health professional or by yourself for breast cancer screening. Due to this lack of evidence, regular clinical breast exam and breast self-exam are not recommended. Still, all women should be familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel and report any changes to a health care provider right away.

んっ?そして、もう7年近く前の 2009年のU.S. Preventive Services Task Force(米国予防医療専門委員会)のウェブサイトにはこんなのも出てきました。

The USPSTF recommends against teaching breast self-examination (BSE). Grade D.
(Grade Dとは、推奨度を表し(A~D及びI)Dは最も推奨度が低い)。

むむっ?それじゃ、医療者にはよく知られているCochrane Library(コクランライブラリー)見てみよう。ロゴの横にはTrusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.って書いてるので信頼できそうです。

Authors’ conclusions
Data from two large trials do not suggest a beneficial effect of screening by breast self-examination but do suggest increased harm in terms of increased numbers of benign lesions identified and an increased number of biopsies performed. At present, screening by breast self-examination or physical examination cannot be recommended.

いやっ、これは何かの間違いだ!だって日本のキャンペーンサイトに「月に一度のセルフチェック」って書いてるぞ。きっと受益者側の患者団体では、きっと違うぞ!NBCC:National Breast Cancer Coalition(米国乳がん連合)を見てみよう。

The evidence actually shows that breast self-exam (BSE) does not save lives or detect breast cancer at an earlier stage.
For decades, women age 20 and older have studied shower cards, read pamphlets, watched videos and prodded silicon breast models to find a hidden lump – each resource teaching BSE as a life-saving personal responsibility. Seems to make sense. In reality, there is no scientific evidence to prove this is true. In fact, the studies that have been done show an increase in potential harm from monthly, regimented BSE including elevated anxiety, more frequent physician visits and unnecessary biopsies of benign lumps.
Many organizations share NBCC’s viewpoint on BSE. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) no longer prints a BSE guide; the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against health care providers teaching breast self-examination; and the American Cancer Society is phasing out materials that focus only on breast self-exam.




記事:柳澤 昭浩(キャンサーネットジャパン理事、オンコロコンテンツマネージャー)



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